Note to Readers by Interviews Editor, Kabir Deb

    by Kabir Deb

    Note to Readers

    by Interviews Editor, Kabir Deb

    My residence on earth

    Wasn’t all that bad: I don’t mind

    Coming back if need be.

           -K. Satchidanandan, ‘Instructions to the Undertaker’

    Talking with people who see food through the lens of a camera or literature gives appetite a whole new dimension: it becomes political, revolutionary and comforting. In these interviews we explore the hunger at the centre and the edges of society, such hungers that provoke our conscience. Food is a part of our daily life more than anything else, something we consume through all our senses and consciousness. After all, food, as they say, is more a relationship than an object.

    Our hearts beat within our ribcages with our hungers, passions and political beliefs; in this issue we lead our readers to feast on their own, and the writers’. Allow the seduction of such cogent, erudite, and engaging conversations on appetite in the Interviews section so you understand the truths of your own hungers, and those of others.

    Best wishes,
    Kabir Deb

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