Three Poems

    by Sanket Mhatre

    The Shape of a Wound

    I’m almost certain it’s there, somewhere
    But it has shape-shifted, like a dune within
    The barren wound bleeds –
    memories when I gently press the surface of their skin
    The wound is a shape of a good bye
    An empty forced kiss that promised nothing
    Gave nothing, as retribution
    Or like the silence between abandonment and the first chaos after your return
    An unfathomable well where all pain flows at night
    The wound oscillates between fear and agony
    Choosing the least painful of the two – and burns nevertheless
    Or bursts like an uneasy time bomb inside the chest
    Turning the pulse into a flame that spreads like forest fire
    Engulfing the throat with evenings that turned darker than nights
    The wound is a shape of a door you carved for early exits
    Or an ex-lover’s poem found in a book
    Quickening the heart beat while fear dripped in
    An ink drop at a time
    The wound smiles looking at the simplicity of its cure.
    But Cure –
    It has a different story to tell.

    Poem 2


    And all of a sudden, you appear
    Like a starburst
    Or a meteor on a dark night
    Distilling past from present
    And I’m caught unaware – like –
    I could be smiling or listening to the chirp of birds
    I could just be talking about this & that
    And then suddenly, something happens when you write the first word
    I start listening to the river within; I know you planted it there
    I listen to all the voices deep within, like a prayer meet or something
    It only takes a moment and a word to fuse all eternity
    I become everything, under the sun –
    A distant sky
    A lonely bird
    Sunlight through the window
    The sweetest drop of a mango
    Everything of everything –
    All of all
    Do you know
    I live two mornings everyday
    Two dawns
    Two sunrises
    Two heartbeats per heartbeat
    I’m trying to decipher
    which one is yours?

    Poem 3


    We have become perfect ideas for each other
    Finely sculpted reminiscences –
    Karigars – we carve recollections, working on details
    The petals on your black skirt
    The scent in your hair
    Thirsty edible evenings that changed their shade of rose
    Engraving them with ‘What ifs’ and ‘If Only’
    Knowing –
    we’ll have to chisel it some more till it fills up those nine hours
    The next day and the day after that
    Which the ungrateful rain cleans up
    Like a waiter cleaning the table
    Finding it hard to remember each day –
    what to remember next.
    At times when –
    ‘When’ becomes more of a tinted photograph
    on the walls of time
    than a question I had asked you the last time.

    Sanket Mhatre is a bilingual poet writing in English & Marathi. Sanket Mhatre has been invited to read at Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Poets Translating Poets, Goa Arts & Literature Festival, Jaipur Literature Festival, Vagdevi Litfest and Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan. Sanket Mhatre has also created Kavita Café – a Youtube Channel that combines cinematic vision with visual poetry.

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