Three poems

    by Sukrita Paul Kumar


    Another sharp edge
    Around the mountain
    A blind turn,

    Should I pause, look out?
    Or rush through, and
    Risk dropping
    into the deep valley,
    lose my life?

    But I know
    Around the corner
    As I cross the border
    Between here and there
    I’ll fly
    Over the horizon
    Join my ancestors
    In the milky way

    A thieving kite
    Will swoop down
    Pick the carcass
    and feed her babies.


    Do you feel
    The warp and weft
    Of dialogue
    Getting denser, quieter
    on its own
    with time moving on

    Always beginning
    Never ending


    Not a tear fell
    From the old woman’s eye
    As she witnessed her
    Dwelling set ablaze

    No tear
    Even while
    Gazing at her hearth
    Tossing crackling sounds
    Crumbled in flames

    Pixie her cat was
    Run over
    A mere squeak
    under the giant wheels

    Blue rivers dried and
    Desert sands filled
    All nooks and corners
    of her eyes…

    Sukrita Paul Kumar A well-known poet and critic, Sukrita Paul Kumar (born in Kenya) was an invited poet and Fellow at the prestigious International Writing Programme, Iowa, USA. Former Fellow of IIAS (Shimla), and honorary faculty at Durrell Centre at Corfu, Greece, she has published several collections of poetry, translations, critical works and has held exhibitions of her paintings. She held the Aruna Asaf Ali Chair at the University of Delhi.

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