Untitled Poems

    by Ayaz Rasool Nazki

    I pulled the desert over my eyes
    and sank deep into the sand
    blood of tulips ran over
    making furrows in the land
    Martians were here all night
    singing paeans to their high priest
    they asked me for my insurance
    they asked me for my blood group
    they asked me for power of my glasses

    alas! all were missing
    they tossed me into no land
    there sea had no water
    there sky had no air
    yet I smelt of jasmine
    yet I smelt of fresh spring
    narcissus under twilight
    and the nightingale set free


    Falling leaves
    tell me
    winter is around the corner
    meadows no longer
    blush at the amorous breeze
    last rose is a vestige

    after winter
    swallow and nightingale
    will make new nests
    on new branches
    on chinar and poplar trees
    I wonder
    where shall I be?


    Mountains are under snow
    wolves roam around
    in search of prey
    Pray! stay indoors
    save your lambs
    spring is far away

    wait when bud sprouts
    when glacier melts
    when river roars
    when daffodil opens misty eyes

    I shall meet you
    under the apple tree
    share secrets
    of lover’s heart


    Full moon disappears
    behind the hill
    twinkling stars
    fall as autumn leaves
    from an old chinar
    by the river

    they had taken their wows
    under its gaze
    and departed
    each on its course
    in the nearby woods
    time stands still
    on villager’s faces
    every crease remains fresh
    every wound remains green



    A whiff of fragrance
    issues from rose
    a drop of dew
    adorns a leaf
    a ray of light
    touches my heart
    despondent times;
    COVID times,
    despair and gloom
    melt away

    you have come
    when going is tough
    come, usher in
    a new dawn
    (for Norah ,my grand daughter born recently)

    Ayaz Rasool Nazki

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