The Matchbox by Usawa #06 How “trad wives” Deny Women The Right To Choose February 3, 20251 minute read
Botanical Short Stories Anthology Priyanka Sacheti shares an excerpt from the Botanical Short Stories Anthology January 31, 20255 minute read
Trad Wives Natasha Ramarathnam describes how “trad wives” deny women the right to choose January 31, 20254 minute read
ISSUE 5 POETRY Country Poems by Kiran Bhat I had a black skin once, but I took myself to the edges 03.07.21byKiran Bhat2 min
ISSUE 6 POETRY Spring and rabid dogs by Moe Nwe Also this spring when cotton trees bloom again rabid dogs 08.11.21byMoe Nwe aka Soe Naing Tun1 min
ISSUE 8 POETRY Ishta-devata and Other Poems By Indu Parvathi That summer evening, the smoke of disquiet gathered between her voice and 21.10.22byIndu Parvathi2 min
ISSUE 9 POETRY Problem and Other Poems By Kinjal Sethia The house help calls her periods a problem Mera problem hai na, didi 20.05.23byKinjal Sethia2 min