The Matchbox by Usawa #06 How “trad wives” Deny Women The Right To Choose February 3, 20251 minute read
Botanical Short Stories Anthology Priyanka Sacheti shares an excerpt from the Botanical Short Stories Anthology January 31, 20255 minute read
Trad Wives Natasha Ramarathnam describes how “trad wives” deny women the right to choose January 31, 20254 minute read
ISSUE 7 POETRY Five Poems By Shikhandin One April evening I saw the dance of fireflies Small smoulders coruscating 05.05.22byShikhandin4 min
ISSUE 8 NON FICTION From Marginalized to Mainstream: Four Indian English Women Poets by Jagari Mukherjee Indian poetry in English has made rapid strides from the twentieth century 29.10.22byJagari Mukherjee13 min
EDITORIALS ISSUE 8 Vinita Agarwal Poetry Editor The cult of violence is a dangerous phenomenon that has existed for centuries 03.12.22byVinita Agrawal3 min
ISSUE 8 TRANSLATIONS Lakshmi, a Traveler, a memoir translated from the Tamil by Kalpana Karunakaran Kindness or its absence can take many forms and manifest in myriad ways 12.10.22byKalpana Karunakaran9 min